I really admire this quest. After all can you trust a supermarket after burger gate?

find me at the market

People have lots of reasons for not shopping at their local market; relying on somewhere that doesn’t have the permanence of Tesco or Sainsbury’s can be frustrating, particularly if you can’t count on it to stock every single item on your shopping list. Or some might be concerned about the expense of stocking their larders with good quality, homegrown produce. These concerns are often the result of assumptions. Certainly, when I go shopping with my family, we often find that the price of a supermarket shop can escalate as the impulse buys stack up, and things like ready meals and breakfast cereals do not come cheap.
Local independent shops also make a great alternative to supermarket shopping. If you need convincing of this, then you should follow the campaign of this blogger, who has pledged to give up shopping at Tesco for a year, in favour of small businesses…

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I may not becurrently travelling. Inspired by this guy, though.

A Blog on a Landscape


So, let’s get this new thing started, shall we?

At junior school, I was always the kid who had his Mum’s Box Brownie camera on school trips. I’ve no idea what ever became of those photos! Later, I was a regular on my Boy Scout troop’s Easter trips to the English Lake District. I don’t recall taking a camera on those. Probably just as well, as it always seemed to be raining. Strangely, my memories of those visits are all in the form of individual frames in my head. No moving images or anything. I had my first SLR camera by the time I was sixteen. A second-hand Nikon. The first of many, all Nikons. In my mid and late teens, all my spare time that wasn’t spent running was spent travelling to and from the Lake District and getting to know its charms. My earliest photographs from there date…

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